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RE: Frustrations of Modern Life: Customer Service Phone Calls and Outsourcing!

"The purpose of a corporation is to make profits."

It's a phrase from way back that has always stuck in my head. And yet we give corporate entities "personhood" in the eyes of the law... and so we end up with these munted shitshows everywhere. As I mentioned, I used to work in the IT field, and everything was about maximizing sales and minimizing costs... nobody really gave a flying flip about manufacturing a quality product.


Yeah there’s a whole lot of that right now. Maximize the money and minimize the cost it takes you to get there.

I’ve actually started to consider starting our own corporation. If corps are people then we might as well take advantage of their bullshit! I know there’s got to be benefits to it, a bit of risk but certainly it’s not a bad move if all of them are doing it.