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RE: My problem with LeoFinance

in LeoFinance4 years ago

i am long enough in these platforms (steemit,hive,leo), almost 4 years long to tell you that you are completely right. The sad but true thing is that it's a matter of human nature that's why it's hard to cast it aside.

People want the easy way in everything which isn't bad, as we got to this point we are now in terms of tech, health etc etc but we need to understand that this isn't applied to everything.

Long story sort it's the same as in steemit and hive and now Leo. The main reason behind all these Leo posts are money. Not excitement not amazement, simply money and i think after a while it's easy for most to understand it. Ofc nobody will admit it but i think it's our duty to make them understand or cast them aside.

There are some cases that people are excited about it and wanna share it with the community but excitement comes from a new feature, a new development, a huge token pump, it's not daily to the extent it is shown. Someone who posts only about Leo or Hive in my opinion does it for solely for money.

I hate as well those posts that it's simply a chart with 50 words and they earn huge amounts of Leo but the only thing that we can do is don't support those kind posts, which i do...

Finally, i consider myself as someone who doesn't post about Leo regularly. I have 15 posts in Leo. From them 3-4 are about Leo and among them we are about milestone posts like my first post in leo or when i reached 1k LP.

Thus, i try to post content that i enjoy making, quite lengthy to be honest that's not earning much. I don't care though i decided that i will enjoy what i post and not doing it for money as well as that i will only upvote and follow authors that i am interested in their posts!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's how I try to act myself the most as I can !

Making some posts about the platform isn't a problem, especially here where the platform is a blockchain so it's more important than any other social media, I hope nobody would make a Facebook post about how great this is going.

I think that just placing a chart and putting some words shouldn't be a post, leo-stats probably make it better. As I use actifit, if I have somethings to show about the platform but isn't big enough to make a post in my opinion, I place it a the end of my activity reports, just to don't make more posts with only 4-5 lines of text.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta