What's Done In the Dark (Part 1) - Freewrite: 12/1/23 | Prompt: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

in Freewriters9 months ago (edited)

Image source provided by @freewritehouse for purpose of contest


The wind stirred as it tore back Daniel's rain cap. Releasing the bicycle's handle, he righted his cap, then quickly returned to steering his wheels through the slush. Ahead, the puddle of water reminded him of the wet trousers he would have to endure if he didn't slow down before he reached the trees. But wet pants were the least of his worries. On this stretch of the road, instead of slowing down, Daniel stood up and peddled fast. Passing the side road quickly without hearing the sometimes low, whistling sounds or at other times, loud bloodcurdling noises were was his goal.

It didn't work. In fact, this time, the swirling wind rushed the loud, sobbing noise to his ears quicker.

He didn't dare look to his right. His legs weakened as his thighs trembled. Rocky's bark intensified as they went past.

"Rocky, don't! Stay." Daniel hissed. He wasn't alone. He knew Rocky heard the noise as he did and that animals could sense danger and hear noises when humans were unable to.

Once beyond the side road near the main highway, Daniel's feet braced for the stop. He wiped away what he felt were tears.

Efforts to convince his parents the sounds he heard each time originating from deep within the side road were not a figment of his imagination conjured up from the words of his favorite sci-fi comic books.

It didn't help that not a single sound stirred and traveled up the path of Incantata County Road to the road leading to his home whenever they drove by. It just wasn't possible they explained to him given no one had lived on that road for the past ten years.

Daniel locked his bike at the rack beside the road, untied his backpack, then waited for the school bus. Two minutes later, he sat with his head against the window and his hands covering his face.

As the bus traveled down the highway, his gaze remained straight ahead.

The rain, now pouring, would cause a larger puddle on his return home. Daniel sat stiff in his window seat. Over the past few years, the rains had come more frequently and flooded out the path to his home. Those times, the water drained down Incantata County Road.

Daniel was in no hurry for the school day to end. If he heard the strange noises leaving his home, he'd hear them again on his return.

Hopefully, Rocky, the only one who knew the sounds were real, would be waiting to accompany him back down the path past Incantata County Road and safely inside his own home.

[to be continued]


Welcome back to my freewrite prompt story for this week. The photo that is the subject of the story spoke to me about a weather condition that isn't favorable for travelers:

Describe what you see.
A light but steady rain drips on a paved road. A large puddle is beginning to form. If one is not careful, he or she may accidentally run over an object in the road that is dangerous, such as a deep dip. To the right a fence protects an owner's property. To the left of the road, trees appear to line it. Also, rain appears to be draining off the main road onto a side road perhaps.

Describe what you feel.
An accident waiting to happen if one traveling the road is not careful. This is especially true if you can't see how deep the puddle in the road is. I feel as though an unusual event occurred on this stretch of the road.

Write a story or poem about what you think is going on. I leave with you my story for: A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 12/1/23.

Image used with permission of contest owner


For your convenience, I have included below a Spanish translation from DeepL for "What's Done In The Dark" - Freewrite: 12/1/23 | Prompt: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.

! [Whats Done In The Dark Spanish Translation]

Image source provided by @freewritehouse for purpose of contest

Lo que se hace en la oscuridad

Bienvenidos de nuevo a mi historia de libre escritura de esta semana. La foto que es el tema de la historia me habló de una condición climática que no es favorable para los viajeros:

Describa lo que ve
Una lluvia ligera pero constante gotea sobre una carretera asfaltada. Empieza a formarse un gran charco. Si uno no tiene cuidado, puede atropellar accidentalmente un objeto peligroso en la calzada, como una hondonada profunda. A la derecha, una valla protege la propiedad. A la izquierda de la carretera, los árboles parecen bordearla. Además, la lluvia parece escurrirse por la carretera principal hacia un camino lateral, tal vez.

Describe lo que sientes
Un accidente a punto de ocurrir si no se tiene cuidado. Esto es especialmente cierto si no puedes ver la profundidad del charco en la carretera. Tengo la sensación de que en este tramo de la carretera se ha producido un hecho insólito.

Escribe una historia o un poema sobre lo que crees que está pasando. Os dejo mi historia para:
A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 12/1/23.

El viento se agitó y arrancó la gorra de lluvia de Daniel. Soltó el manillar de la bicicleta, se enderezó la gorra y volvió rápidamente a dirigir las ruedas a través del aguanieve. Más adelante, el charco de agua le recordaba los pantalones mojados que tendría que soportar si no reducía la velocidad antes de llegar a los árboles. Pero los pantalones mojados eran la menor de sus preocupaciones. En este tramo de la carretera, en lugar de aminorar la marcha, Daniel se levantó y pedaleó rápido. Su objetivo era pasar rápidamente por la carretera sin oír los silbidos, a veces bajos, y otras veces espeluznantes.

No lo consiguió. De hecho, esta vez, el viento arremolinado hizo que el fuerte y sollozante ruido llegara más rápido a sus oídos.

No se atrevió a mirar a su derecha. Sus piernas flaquearon mientras sus muslos temblaban. Los ladridos de Rocky se intensificaron a medida que pasaban.

"¡Rocky, no! Quédate". siseó Daniel. No estaba solo. Sabía que Rocky oía el ruido igual que él y que los animales podían sentir el peligro y oír ruidos cuando los humanos no podían.

Una vez más allá del camino lateral cerca de la carretera principal, los pies de Daniel se prepararon para la parada. Se enjugó lo que le parecieron lágrimas.

Se esforzaba por convencer a sus padres de que los sonidos que oía cada vez provenían de las profundidades de la carretera secundaria no eran producto de su imaginación conjurada a partir de las palabras de sus cómics de ciencia ficción favoritos.

No ayudaba el hecho de que, cada vez que pasaban por allí, ni un solo sonido se agitara y subiera por el camino de la carretera del condado de Incantata hasta la carretera que llevaba a su casa.
No era posible, le explicaron, dado que nadie había vivido en esa carretera en los últimos diez años.

Daniel guardó la bicicleta en el portaequipajes junto a la carretera, se desató la mochila y esperó al autobús escolar.Dos minutos más tarde, estaba sentado con la cabeza pegada a la ventanilla y las manos cubriéndole la cara.

Mientras el autobús recorría la autopista, su mirada permanecía fija hacia delante.

La lluvia, que ahora caía a cántaros, provocaría un charco más grande al volver a casa. Daniel se sentó rígido en el asiento de la ventanilla.En los últimos años, las lluvias habían sido más frecuentes y habían inundado el camino a su casa. Esas veces, el agua se escurría por la carretera del condado de Incantata.

Daniel no tenía prisa por que terminara la jornada escolar.Si oía los ruidos extraños al salir de su casa, los volvería a oír a su regreso.Con suerte, Rocky, el único que sabía que los sonidos eran reales, estaría esperándole para acompañarle de vuelta por el camino que pasaba por Incantata County Road y a salvo dentro de su propia casa.



Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



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Hello @indiaunited. Thanks so much for stopping by to inform me that my post was manually curated by @bhattg. I'm pleased that my post was deemed to be of quality to receive the support of the Community.

Have a good rest of your week, @bhattg and a good holiday.

The sound he hears reminds me of one of the episodes of The Blacklist.

Thanks for sharing this great story.
I wish you a merry Christmas.


That's an interesting observation. I don't know The Blacklist theme well so I don't know the ongoing sagas behind the episodes.

I enjoyed writing this story. Thanks for your visit and support. Take care.


Whenever it rains in winter, the weather becomes very pleasant and people enjoy this season a lot. This story is very interesting.

I'm pleased you liked my story and found it interesting. The young boy and his dog know that something is going on down the road off from where his house is. He just can't prove it right now.

Thanks for stopping by and viewing my story. I appreciate it. Take care.

@djbravo! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (7/10)

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 186 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @justclickindiva, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Two forest dwellers looking for shelter in front of a wire fence, the hedgehog Joe and the fox Leo, found themselves faced with an unusual situation. Joe, with his body bristling with quills, and decided to cross an old burrow, he had to slip through a small hole while Leo, agile, had to jump over the fence. The hedgehog took the lead and entered the burrow, its spines slowing it down a little. After a few moments, he managed to pass, but with difficulty. Meanwhile, Leo, graceful and fast, jumped with ease and landed on the other side of the fence.Once across, he noticed that a new challenge presented itself to them: a large puddle of muddy and stagnant water. For Joe, the task was much more complex due to his small size. Its short legs made crossing the water perilous, risking immersing it entirely in the water. For his part, Leo, taller and more agile, thought it would be easy. But destiny decided otherwise. As he moved forward confidently and with water only on his lower legs, a deeper than expected hole in the road suddenly swallowed him up to his neck, immobilizing him for a moment.Joe, despite his small size, is doing quite well. Using his instincts, he crossed carefully and simply skirted around the puddle. Meanwhile, the fox Leo, struggling and struggling mightily. With determination, he found a higher ledge, allowing him to get out of the water. A little wet but unharmed, he finally joined Joe on dry land. After crossing the pool of water and reaching the other side, below the tall trees, their hope of finding refuge was awakened. However, to their great disappointment, a wide road lay ahead of them, with incessant cars passing by. Too dangerous for these forest creatures...

Hello @cyboule. If you want to participate in the Freewriters Community writing challenges, then publish your post above. If you look at the link to the challenge in my post, you'll see the guidelines.

Thanks for the advice, I just did it hoping to have implemented everything correctly. I modeled myself on you for my first