Daily daily on Steem Monsters; Nov. 6th, 2019 (Life Splinter Gameplay)

in #steemmonsters5 years ago


I got Life again and games were somehow annoying this time, because I felt I had the same opponent all the time; every second opponent I encountered was playing Daria Dragonscale with Sea Monster, Manticore and Crustacean King, which felt pretty repetetive paired with the fact I was also getting the "Back To Basics"-Mutator a lot...

As usual, the links to the replays are listed below and include affiliate:






I am pretty clode to Silver 1, but I will need to settle with just 3 picks today:


Pretty nice again! At least, I get a golden one... The picks themselves might not seem like mch (except for my usual buddies...), but the golden Sea Genie is nice and might add some value to my collection.

I will try to get to Silver 1 today, so tomorrows rewards might be better...

until then, bye.


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