The Vulture Above Them

in Freewriters26 days ago

Ravel was anxiously walking under the carved dome of his master's palace and was waiting for his pigeon to bring him that day's newspaper and talking to himself:
"When I sneaked to the coffee house near the police station today, I saw that persistent detective, Lachman.

He was talking to one of his colleagues in an ancient language, and I couldn't understand all of his words. But I understood this much that he himself has taken on the solution of Laszlo's murder case and is going to pursue all aspects of the story legally.

I wish Faubert was in front of me at that moment and translated his words for me."

At this moment, a voice behind him said:
"You didn't need Fabert's translation."

Ravel turned and saw Lord Neils.

Neils came to him.
"Even without understanding Lachman's words, you know very well why he took it upon himself to solve this case with such enthusiasm."

"Yes, master. Even though there is no evidence against me, he feels that the murder was my doing."

"Make up your mind, Ravel. Do you want to stay in this city and be close to him so that he can finally build evidence against you and arrest you, or do you want to leave here and arouse the suspicion of others?"

Ravel said with a helpless face.
"Master, perhaps if I go now and honestly tell Lachman everything, he will feel sorry for me and realize that I had no choice but to kill Laszlo."

Neils stared at him seriously.
"Ravel, put aside your delusions. Do you think that because Lachman once loved you, he now ignores your crime? When you left him and came to me to learn the ways of fighting, he took you out of his heart forever."

Tears gathered in Ravel's eyes.
"How could he have left me completely? What about all the moments I spent with him and the deep love I gave him?"

"That's the thing, deep love has more potential to turn into hate."

"So I've reached the end of the line."

Neils put his hands on Ravel's shoulders.
"Cut your hair and change your face and get out of town. I'll find a way to deal with Lachman."

Tears flowed from Ravel's eyes.

Neils raised his hand and placed it on Ravel's cheek.
"I won't let you die."

And he hugged him, knowing that a vulture was flying in the sky above them and would soon receive its meal.
