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RE: Adding a bit of colour to the garden

in HiveGardenlast year

Dry stone wall? I'm a little jealous of that, I love those things. It's nice to have a little colour around the place to brighten things up.


Ya man, we really like dry stone walls, there's loads of them in the West of Ireland where we are. Two of our boundary walls are dry stone walls





Wall porn! Lol.

You have a large allotment there, nice!

Wall porn!! 🤣🤣

My third favourite porn.

I've got to ask, what's your second fave!!! :)

Lol...I knew you'd say that...making my own porn.

Ha ha ha, brilliant!! surely that has to be number one!!!

Haha, I thought you'd get a's actually one and two...and four and five, with wall porn taking up third place.