Why Hive is a great name for our community

in #hive4 years ago (edited)

This is an opposing point of view to the following post of @lucylin:


Hive is a great name because

  • bees don't live in an authoritarian or communist state, quite the contrary
  • each individual bee acts (mostly steered by pheromones and instincts) in a way that maximizes their own chance of survival (even if that means supporting the queen). There are no "orders" by the queen.
  • by each individual pursuing its own interest the benefit of the Hive is enhanced (invisible hand)
  • I associate the term hive with "hive mind" which is a kind of group intelligence that results from many individuals working together as well as competing against each other (free market) frequently leading to positive results.
  • a bee hive is anarchy at its best; the incentives of the individual are aligned in a way that serves the common good.

So we should work to make our Hive as well-functioning and as efficient as bee hives. I hope the incentives in our ecosystem (witnesses, developpers, content-producers, investors/hodlers) are as well-aligned as they are in a bee hive.

P.S. Steem is a rather bad name, first because it seems like a spelling mistake (steam) and second because it sounds (very roughly 😉) similar to sting (and that is something I don't like about bees).

Dies ist eine Entgegnung auf den folgenden Post von @lucylin:


Hive ist ein sehr gut gewählter Name, weil

  • Bienen nicht in einem autoritären oder kommunistischen Staat leben, ganz im Gegenteil ...
  • jede einzelne Biene auf eine Weise handelt (meist gesteuert durch Pheromone und Instinkte), die ihre eigene Überlebenschance maximiert (auch wenn das bedeutet, die Königin zu unterstützen). Es gibt keine "Befehle" durch die Königin.
  • dadurch dass jedes Individuum seine eigenen Interessen verfolgt, wird der Nutzen des Bienenstocks erhöht (unsichtbare Hand)
  • Ich verbinde den Begriff "Hive" mit "Hive Mind", einer Art Gruppenintelligenz, die sich daraus ergibt, dass viele Individuen sowohl zusammen arbeiten als auch miteinander konkurrieren (freier Markt), was häufig zu positiven Ergebnissen führt.
  • Ein Bienenstock ist eine Form von funktionierender Anarchie (=keine Herrschaft); das Anreizsystem ist so ausgerichtet, dass Individuen im Interesse der Gemeinschaft handeln.

Also sollten wir dahingehend arbeiten, unser Hive so gut-funktionierend und effizient zu gestalten wie es Bienenstöcke sind. Ich hoffe, dass die Anreize in unserem Ökosystem (Witnesses, Entwickler, Content-Produzenten, Investoren/Hodlers) so gut abgestimmt sind wie in einem Bienenstock.

P.S. Steem ist ein ziemlich schlechter Name, erstens weil es wie ein Schreibfehler aussieht (Steam) und zweitens weil es (zumindest ganz grob 😉) klingt wie "sting" (und das ist etwas, was mir bei Bienen nicht gefällt).


Good post, and good points.

(I still think it's connotations lean towards my perspective - but maybe that's just me)

Thanks for your comment.
I understand your perspective. I, too, see the connotation with collectivism. Thus, I wanted to state the individual perspective of a single bee.

In any case, there is still a lot of collective work, like ordinary users who will make quality content, and of course the titanic work of developers. Hopefully together we will make Hive a big and strong home. I liked your post. Many thanks. Have a nice day.

I like the word Hive, ever so much more than Steem. The spelling of Steem used to get on my nerves. I don't think Hive is about collectivism. It's about community.

A couple of years ago I wrote a blog about bees. The thing I remember most about that blog is the waggle dance. Bees go out individually and look for rich sources of pollen. When the pollen is found, each bee returns to tell everyone else about the find. Exact directions to the location are given through an elaborate dance that all the bees understand. This is a perfect expression of community. A foraging bee does its thing, and when it does that well, everyone benefits.

That's how I see Hive. We all go out and do our thing. When we do it really well, the community--Hive--benefits.

Yes, when writing this post, I, too, read about the waggle dance. Fascinating!

That's a great diagram! I could have used it in my blog :))




i an new on this platform, but i was long on steemit. when i first hear about hive i was interested abou it. then i was searching about hive, really it has a great opportunity,,,,,,,,

One of the fascinating things I've learned while helping my sister with her hives is the strength of propolis. I'm sure Hive has it's own type of glue reinforcing it.

Branding für den Begriff Hive ist sehr schwer. Das gilt für alle generischen Begriffe.
Mir gefällt Hive aber auch und nun ist es eben so.

Das ist eine sehr intelligente Analyse des Hive Namens... Wird wohl kaum besser gehen zu verstehen. :-)

Vielen Dank!

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