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RE: Embracing The Home Educator Split Personality

in Home Edders4 years ago

@minismallholding - I have been pondering on your comment since I first read it.

I think it is safe to say that who we (the parents) were as children and our educational experience could impact how we choose to home educate. Take the past and now add who we are today and then mix in a handful of kids and you have an equation with lots of variable.

The lens in which I view life is definitely impacted by the past, but fortunately it is not completely controlled by the past.

I appreciate your distinction about how formal the school environment people are setting up in their homes.

I feel we are in the middle as well. We use pre-written curriculum for core subject and have expectations about certain work being done each day. But we appreciate that our time is flexible. We also find life lesson outside of our curriculum. Even today, my wife and kiddos are at an apple orchid with some other homeschooling families.

I really appreciate your engagement. Thanks for stopping by!