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RE: Education Debate Challenge #4 - SumatraNate's Entry

in Home Edders3 years ago (edited)

It's not easy or always glamorous

So true, but the journey is worth it. The wonderful thing about parenting is there is a past, present, and future (yet to come) aspect. All can be enjoyable, tough but enjoyable.

Kids develop with what they are exposed

Everyone makes mistakes, but as parents, my wife and I are striving to grow in the same way that we want our kids to grow. We believe that modeling is just as if not more important than just telling them something. My kiddos are the best judge of my hypocrisy (when my words and actions don't match). They are watching. That keeps me on my toes.

We try to take each of those moments as learning opportunities.

Keep it up! There are so many opportunities. I am glad to hear that other parents are looking for these moments. As you said, a lot of people aren't.

Our little helpers provide a lot of help. Their willingness to serve other members of the family is a huge blessing.

Thanks for stopping by. I enjoyed reading and interacting with your comment.