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RE: How COVID Could Potentially Change (Home) Education Forever (A Worse Case Scenario)

in Home Edders4 years ago

I see more control mechanisms on the people using covid as an excuse. There are millions ready to fight back and those who are running the control grids don’t want us to know this. If we don’t take the vaccine and wear the mask, services and shopping for basics will be cut off, I see it happening already with independent journalists and media/business people. Look what happened to Laura Loomer, kicked off all major social media, banking shut down, paypal, uber eats, etc....and she still won her Primary seat in Florida 💪🏽


Thanks for stopping by @reddust.

We definitely live in interesting times, The question of "who is in control" will continue to be an important one as the tension between personal freedom and public safety grow.

Every time someone says the government will help keep us safe, I get anxious 😂😂😂🤨