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RE: Buck 65 - Three Tune Tuesday - Song Recommendations Week 16 πŸ—£πŸŽΆ

in Music β€’ 3 years ago (edited)

Buck 65, someone talked to me about him like a few months ago and I said I would check it out, but I but didn't. I forgot πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ. I am so checking out songs with your review and recommendation.

The oldie music I would like you to check out is A dear John letter by Ferlin Husky. It's an oldie that tells a tale of soldier whose supposed lover went for his brother instead. I hope you enjoyed the song. Don't judge the song when it starts to play πŸ˜†.


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Thanks for the engaging comment as always. I checked out that song, I had never heard it before, so thanks for sharing. I always like to hear songs from back in the day, it can be like a history lesson or a step back in time. Hopefully you get a chance to check out the Buck 65 tracks πŸ‘Œ