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RE: Pink Floyd - Three Tune Tuesday - Song Recommendations Week 31 🗣🎶

in Music2 years ago

I have Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here on vinyl and have listened to them regularly since I was about 15 years old.

Ah good man, ya, Vinyl was how I first listened to these classics back in the day as well, although I don't have a record player anymore, so it's mainly spotify now - I have loads of their CDs too, but they are gathering dust in the attic - I couldn't bring myself to throw them out when the digital music took over!

Time...... What a song, it was very close to making the three tunes and on another day it probably would. I must admit though the alarm clock at the start has always annoyed my brain a little bit, but it's worth enduring for the gold that comes after it...

Great shout on Fearless from the Meddle album too - another of my favorites. You're going right back with Interstellar Overdrive, on that album, I really love Bike! It's a bit of a mad song, but there is something in that madness that I love - The Syd effect we can call it...

Did you ever catch them live? The closest I got was a Roger Waters gig around 10 years and where he and his band played the Wall from start to Finish - it was class and I think I have some photos someplace from it - I might try to dig those out and do a post!