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RE: Pink Floyd - Three Tune Tuesday - Song Recommendations Week 31 🗣🎶

in Music2 years ago

You're not the first person I've heard say something like this, they're not everyone's cup of tea. I personally think they were musical geniuses, especially The Wall, Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here albums.

I think music is often nostalgic and I have memories of hearing these songs being played in my house growing up along with other bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Guns n Roses, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, Neil Young and loads more and they are all still stand outs in my musical taste today.


Yeah I have a similar issue with nirvana lol. I love me some RHCP though! I think their song that I've liked the most was the kind of recent one Rain Dance Maggie. Great tune! Lots of their classics for sure but I like the sound of the new one. I think when it comes to music, I tend to steer away from the dark sounding ones like some of the Nirvana stuff and Floyd in favor of upbeat stuff.

I don’t know if you’ve listened to this band before but they’ve got some pretty great songs!

Vampire weekend - giving up the gun

No way! I didn't think people existed who didn't like Nirvana! Ha ha.... Seriously though nostalgia definitely plays a part and whatever was playing in your house or friends houses growing up plays a apart in the music you naturally deviate towards..

Great shout on Vampire Weekend, I have been listening to these guys for years and love their sound, definitely more up beat. I'm a bit unusual when it comes to music though, as I will listen to pretty much every genre. The hardest ones to warm to for me would be Country and Western and some crazy non-structured jazz, but will still listen to either, if the song is shite, I wont listen to it again, but if it's good it'll get another listen and might make the playlist :)