My Actifit RC: Nov 27 2022 - Sunday bloody Sunday - I Am Alive Challenge - IAAC #214

in Actifit2 years ago

A dear greeting to all lovers of physical activities that populate the mythical community of Actifit.

After the storm on Saturday Italy is back to shine the serene. In the mountains of Benevento in the background fell the first snows.

In Ischia was dug all day and 7 victims were extracted from the rubble including a child of 21 days while it seems that another 5 people are missing.

Today, a great deal of controversy has erupted in the media and politicians who are completely instrumental and without foundation. They speculate on the victims while no one has ever been able to seriously tackle the problems of Italian hydrogeological instability and this is the second massacre in a few months. It would take some respect for those who have lost all their belongings or loved ones.

Back to my day of activity, early this morning, but I waited a couple of hours to get off and visit my sister.

There is a strong change in temperature and the body is affected so, to get started, you have to take all precautions and cover up well. Don’t be afraid, however, you must prepare well to face any challenge, even if it is a simple autumn freeze.

Great Sunday lunch today at my sister’s house with my grandchildren and their children.

Leaving I attempted a kidnapping but I failed because of my prisoner’s escape, in fact, from the photo did not seem to agree, I think that there treat him very well.

Today I was very lucky I took the coincidences to come home almost all the way and I had only a few moments to celebrate my iamalivechallenge 214 in Piazza Garibaldi that began to become alive for the evening.

Finally I would like to thank all my friends from the tribe of Alive and all the new friends who happened between the lines of my stories for reading my thoughts and see you at the next actifit report.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

175 cm
95 kg
Body Fat


Yay! 🤗
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