My Actifitivity: June 26 2022

in Actifit2 years ago



This is yesterday's report card.

A humid hot summer day with some light thunderstorms in the evening.

It wasn't one of those ordinary days. My mom flew in from the island and she's going to look after grandmother for the coming week. I picked her up from the airport in the early afternoon and left grandma's later in the evening.


I'll be free for a week. The first time since late last year, seven or eight months or so. It feels awesome!

I spent the evening taking a walk with Hazel in the city. What a foreign feeling!



There used to be an old forestry house from something like medieval times which burnt out last year. They've constructed a scaffolding shelter all around it to protect the ruin.

Next to it there's this old chateau which looks quite out of place at the edge of a modern city.



Thanks for your time!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

