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RE: Further Proof That You Don't Own Your iPhone History of Planned Obso ...

in DBuzzlast year

I find what PINEapple and goolag do to their phones so horrifying that "criminal" is not a strong enough word.

The phone that McAffee was building with actual switches for the externals seems like the minimum you need...

The file structure is stupid. Designed to give little privacy by its structure and maximum user frustration.
If i want files off of an iPhone, i should just connect it as a USB drive... but no
However, if i am an app creator, then i have access to all the files and can do what i want with them... no restrictions.


The file structure on mobile operating systems is a joke. It would be amazing if we could simply have Linux phones with hardware switchers. Librem 5 looks good if I could afford it. Making a new hardware product at low volume is very expensive.