Exercise in between work

in EXHAUST2 years ago

A couple of minutes of exercise in the space of office work can bring activity. Employees go to the office most of the day. So sitting in a chair all day working because of the accumulated fat in the body. Going home again does not have the time or energy to exercise. So do light exercise for 4-5 minutes during a work break in the office.

Both body and mind will be happy in it. Do some free-hand exercises before lunch. No equipment is required. Just have a small space in the chair, table, or office.


Shoulder extension

Almost everyone suffers from neck pain due to continuous sitting. Especially those who work in the office or those who work looking at the laptop, they suffer from this problem. If you hold your neck during work, do neck rotation exercise. Exercise while sitting or standing, turning your head from right to left and from left to right. After doing this for 20 seconds, look from bottom to top for 10 seconds. Doing this for one minute will reduce the pain in the neck.

Free squat

Sitting for a long time, the legs and waist also come. Many also have back pain. So give a free squat in your office. Exercise for 30 seconds. You will see that the muscles of the waist and legs will feel more active than before.

Desk pushup

Lean a little with your hands on the table and your feet on the floor. Then lighten 10 pushup days. Don't stress too much. This is a light exercise for refreshment.

Tricep dips

Do 30 second hand triceps (various hand exercises) with pushups. It will not accumulate excess fat in your hands, the shape will be beautiful. Keep the body up to 90 degrees and up and down.

Chair leg extension

Sit in a chair with one foot on the ground and move the other foot forward. Bring back again. Next time do the other leg the same way. Do two leg exercises like this. Then do the exercise by turning the legs from left to right and from right to left.

West Extension

Stand with both hands on the waist and move the body backwards without moving the legs and apply pressure on the waist. Exercise by standing in place 3 times in this way, turning the waist from left to right, then from right to left.

Back Chair Stretch

Sit up straight and lean back in the chair and hold both hands. Hold for 40 seconds. This will keep your back muscles right.

Cliff Races

Stand on the back of the chair and stand on the front part of the toes, that is, on the toes with the weight of the whole body, and then level the toes again. You can do this exercise for 30 seconds.

Side turn

Side turn exercises are very effective for abdominal fat. Stand up straight and lean on the left side of the abdomen, then turn to the right. Do 40 seconds.
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