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RE: Government Agencies Admit They have No Idea How Anyone Should Even Comply With Some of Their Laws ft. Atlas Shrugged and Three Felonies A Day

in OCD3 years ago

Some laws are even in opposition to other laws.
As in, you are a criminal.

Some laws are so precise that you can't ever comply. You are human, you fail.

And still, there are laws still on the books that make no sense in our modern era.

The structure is to incentivize more and more laws, and never looking at the results of the law, never updating old laws. Further, it has been taken over by lawyers, and its all written in legalese, not in anything that a man, who would like to follow the law could understand.

The law, in its entirety, should be no larger than the bible.


Some laws are so precise that you can't ever comply. You are human, you fail.

Yes, mainly the "Feeding the homeless" and "Farting".

Serously, who makes these laws? Nowadays we are living in a joke world.

Think about things like speed limit.

How do you know how fast you are going? What is the accuracy of your speedometer?
You could be rightfully, to the best of your ability, be following the law... but your are just waiting to be busted.

Further on road stuff.
In Comifornia there are two laws.

  1. You must drive under the posted speed limit
  2. You must keep up with traffic.

So, if the traffic on the freeway is going 70, what speed should you be going if the posted speed is 55?
BTW, you can't use the second law to defend yourself in court.

BTW, you can't use the second law to defend yourself in court.

But can you use the first law, if you break the second (You must keep up with traffic)?

The law, in its entirety, should be no larger than the bible.

This is a brilliant quote IMO. Law must me able to be understood by those who are expected to live according to it. If not you are either breeding criminals or making money out of it or (mostly) both. All of this madness is supported by MSM and dumb sheep.