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RE: Life on Hive is going to change a lot for the better!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Also hoping this will encourage more engagement. I understand that some only focus on the (up)voting themselves, because of hectic schedules and only have a certain amount of time allotted per day, but even by engaging one could train their "writing skills". I mean it's on a smaller scale that you form your opinion, thoughts, ideas, etc., which could get useful when writing a full blog.


Not everybody feels comfortable to write long posts and often beginners get hardly and visitors to their posts. Commenting can be a nice way to start the journey on hive and with the changes this path will become more interesting for everybody involved.


I agree, it's a way to make yourself more visible. Some also need to learn to comment outside of their "inner circle" and should comment on re-blogged posts and checking out the posts in the communities themselves.

and with the changes this path will become more interesting for everybody involved.

I hope so. Looking forward to what is to come.

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