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RE: So where is the fresh blood?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Thank you for mentioning my Witness 😊

Regarding @innerhive, he produces blocks regularly even though it hasn't published a price feed for a long time 😉, same case for @rotfl

To publish the price feed, you need to set up a specific application, which not all witnesses do.

This is independent from block production, so the best way to see if a witness's server is active is by looking at when the last block was produced. For example, my server is at the rank 100 which means that it produces a block every 10H. If my last block produced is much older then it's not active or in error.

Witness FR - Gen X - Geek 🤓 Gamer 🎮 traveler ⛩️
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I know the price feed is a separate application to block production, but I personally see it as a bad sign if a witness isn't watching their price-feed too. A few witnesses had trouble with price feed apps breaking around HF24 so I've been a bit lenient though.

As I just wrote to @r1s2g3 in my answer on the same topic I agree with this point of view 👍 For the price feed apps, I've been using @someguy123's since 6 months and it work like a charm, he was also very fast to update it during the hardfork 😉

Witness FR - Gen X - Geek 🤓 Gamer 🎮 traveler ⛩️
Don't miss the Hive Power UP Day! more info here

The price feed is super easy to set up using HIAB.
It took me 5 minutes on my witness and I'm not a dev.

Really no excuse not to have it updated.

All my knowledge gained through the reading other posts and I guess
I read that price feed is very important aspect of witness server because it determines the post payout. So I took price feed as one of the metrics to evaluate witness.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everything depends on how you perceive the rule of witness, for my part, the publication of the price feed, even if it is not required, is part of the rule because it contributes to the proper functioning of Hive as well as having a low missed/produced blocks ratio through the use of a server with adapted specs.

In any case thank you very much for your post, too many people don't care about the witnesses so it's always a pleasure when a Hivian makes a post on this topic 👍

Witness FR - Gen X - Geek 🤓 Gamer 🎮 traveler ⛩️
Don't miss the Hive Power UP Day! more info here


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta