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RE: So where is the fresh blood?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I know the price feed is a separate application to block production, but I personally see it as a bad sign if a witness isn't watching their price-feed too. A few witnesses had trouble with price feed apps breaking around HF24 so I've been a bit lenient though.


As I just wrote to @r1s2g3 in my answer on the same topic I agree with this point of view 👍 For the price feed apps, I've been using @someguy123's since 6 months and it work like a charm, he was also very fast to update it during the hardfork 😉

Witness FR - Gen X - Geek 🤓 Gamer 🎮 traveler ⛩️
Don't miss the Hive Power UP Day! more info here

The price feed is super easy to set up using HIAB.
It took me 5 minutes on my witness and I'm not a dev.

Really no excuse not to have it updated.