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RE: # 850 - Modern Commemoratives Half Dollars - Part 10

in LeoFinance4 years ago

My great, great grandfather was a Native Cherokee Indian and was a corporal in the Confederate army. That's a nice half dollar. It's actually kind of sad......I can remember not too long ago, we had several rolls of half dollars. We went to the store, and the cashier who was about my age, actually did not know what a half dollar was when she saw it. We had to tell her what denomination coin it was. Anyway, thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend my friend!


Half dollars simply do not circulate in US, because of the size of the coin. Imagine how bad idea was to circulate $1 coins, larger than half dollars...

Posted Using LeoFinance

We do occasionally get a half or whole dollar coin in change; usually because the retailer doesn't want to deal with it. I know the Susan B. Anthony coins and others like it were often at a quick glance mistaken for quarters.🤗