Garden Update: Our 5-ft Tall Tomato Plant's Second Baby...

I wasn't able to do my usual morning garden visit today because I was so busy setting up my backup laptop for my classes. Our main internet service provider has some problems this morning (though it was fixed soon), so I had to use my backup for my first two classes.

Since I missed my usual morning garden visit, I decided to check the garden after lunch... and guess what I've discovered?


It's the second baby of our tomato plant in our front yard!!! I got too excited that I shouted with joy and my mother was shocked. She wondered what happened to me, but yeah... I was just happy to see another tomato fruit growing from it.

In the picture above, you can still see the wilted flower attached to it.


This is how big the first fruit has gotten. It's so cute. It just makes me happy observing them... I find it pretty amazing. haha


Our tomato plant is pretty tall. We were supposed to trim it down, but since it was our first time planting this, we weren't aware of it... until it grew this big. It's now a bit taller than I am.


Despite my title, I discovered something when I checked the photo I took just now. Instead of two fruits, I now see three fruits.. I tried to zoom in and it was also kind of confirmed by another photo I took. Let me show you below...


OMG!!! Can you see it??? There's another fruit at the back and it doesn't have the wilted flower. The position is also much lower than the other fruit (please refer to the first picture).

Waaaaaa~~ I didn't notice it until now...

I'd have to check it soon! haha


This is so cool! haha
It's making me more excited... Who knows? I might discover more soon. haha

I hope I could plant the other seeds soon. There isn't much progress with the ones I planted last time, but I'll update you soon about them.

I'll end this post for now. Thanks a bunch and see you around!


@tipu curate

I can feel the excitement. That's so me... Everyday, I'll check our chilipeppers, eggplants, squash, and tomatoes when I'm at home, then count the fruits. Hope, you'll be blessed with more tomatoes. 😊

Heeeee.... <3
Can't help it... they just make us happy, right? :)