My Challenge : Five People who means a lot

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Hello people, it is me once again. so today, I decided to do some fun and write on the @tegoshei challenge and my pick for today is FIVE PEOPLE WHO MEAN ALOT TO ME.

First of all, before I begin the contest, I want to thank @tegoshei for the fun he created because, for me, it is fun and time to explore my brain and crack up when writing.

Everybody and everyone that has crossed my path has been a blessing to me and still are. My family, friends, and colleagues. They mean a lot to me.

After God, the first person that means a lot to me is my dad.


Although he is late, he meant a whole lot to me because he was the source of my inspiration and my partner in watching movies. He was my first teacher who taught me how to be an independent lady and be confident in myself and be myself. He leads me to God and taught me so much and today I am proud of myself and happy he was my father. He believed in me and in any choice I made even at my young age concerning my education. He was my adviser and counselor. Although he is gone, he still means a lot to me and in my life because he was a great contributor to my life. Can't forget him in a hurry.

Although I got to know him after many years my dad died and I need someone to stand in for me as a father and had nobody but myself alone. He stood as a father figure in my life, like an elder brother figure and a mentor. He took care of me when I was down emotionally and physically and showed me the way when I lost hope. He was always there for me financially and otherwise. He took my burden upon himself and helped me. He means a lot to me because if not for him, I would have lost my life. He was there to comfort me in my darkest time. Even when I was stubborn, he never threw me away.

  • The third person is my family (my brothers and mother).

This bouncing baby boys given to my mother by God are wonderful people. They are stubborn but I can't trade them for anything. They are the reason why I am up and doing. They are the reason for my hustle and hope that I will make them proud. They make me groom myself to become a better wife and mother to my husband and children. Although they most times get on my nerve but with them, I have learned temperance control and how to manage my home.


The fourth person goes to my friend @imaluv54 Okon

She was my first friend. This person is has been a blessing in my life that and I can't deny the fact. though we've had ups and downs and had quarrels where we've had to go two weeks without talking she has been a blessing to me. we've shared experiences together, our failures and successes together. We've cried together and laughed together and she has taught me a lot because she has taught and shown me what it means to be a friend indeed.

The fifth goes to my momma Enoobng James


She was my second mother after my biological mother. She clothed me, sheltered me, and feed me. She gave me advice and made sure I was doing fine. She advised me, canned me, and scolded me when needs are. She was there for me when no one was and I am grateful to God for her. She taught me what it means to care for somebody without a second thought. Taught me generosity and humility as a woman.

These people have one way in the other been a blessing to me so I am grateful to God for bringing them my way.

Thank you for reading through my post. Hope you enjoyed it.

Catch you later 👋



My stubborn friend thanks for the mention.

You are welcome.

Aww... it's really great to be surrounded by amazing and loving people. 😍😍😍

Yea, you right.