Frenology Skull (10 photo)

in Antiques & Vintage4 years ago

Today I am sharing a nice find from a vintage shop of amazing and very bizarre stuff located at Great Leighs village in UK. This is quite curious shop (which is accessible online at Etsy, as well). I have an intention to shape a post about this shop for the #MarketFriday challenge one day, but it has so much stuff to tell about that I really dont know where to start, hehe.


Original photo sourced from the store's FB page.

Винтаж это не только чайный сервиз вашей прабабушки и напольные часы прадедушки. Череп, представьте себе, тоже! Лавка продает огромное число всяких черепов, включая как животных, так и человеческие - в особенности, человеческие! Владелец повсюду разыскивает культурное наследие предыдущих эпох, согласно "профилю" лавки, да и те кто разгребают свои чердаки, не всегда несут своё старьё сразу на помойку - иногда разбирают и пытаются продать. Ассортимент магазина постоянно пополняется :)
Vintage stuff may include not only your grandmother's tea sets and your grandpa's grandfather clock, but also such a strange thing as a skull, too. Truly so! The shop offers for sale a huge number of different skulls, including animal skulls and, especially, human ones! The shop owner is looking everywhere for the cultural heritage of previous eras, corresponding to his shop "special profile", and people who rake old attics do not always send their old stuff straight to the trash heap - sometimes they sort it out and try to sell. And thus, the store assortment is constantly being refreshed :)

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The photo above, description says, has a scales holding a London plague victim skull; nothing in this photo is for sale, shop owner prefer to keep the best stuff for himself! The scales indeed is truly amazing vintage thingie...

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Human scull's selection from the shelves, available for sale.


Интересный экземпляр под названием 'kapala' - сделан из человеческого черепа (XIX в.) и использовался в качестве ритуального орудия в индуистской и буддийской тантре, чаще всего в Тибете.
An intresting one, named _'kapala'_ -- made from a human skull cap and used as a ritual implement in both Hindu Tantra and Buddhist Tantra, most commonly in Tibet. Date back to XIX century, again. Isnt it nice?
В продаже можно увидеть учебные пособия, сделанные для студентов-медиков... Но данный череп очень особенный, и определенно заслуживает отдельного поста. Это наглядное учебное пособие по Френологии, а сделан он был где-то в XIX веке, точнее не сказать.
From time to time one can see on sale skulls made as props for medical students ... but this particular skull is very special, it definitely deserves a separate post. This certain scull is the educational props for Phrenology, dating back to the XIX century... it is not possible to say more precisely. A real Vintage Thingie!

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Френоло́гия, в современном понимании, это псевдонаука, претендующая на знание взаимосвязей между психикой человека и строением поверхности его черепа. Создателем френологии является австрийский врач и анатом Франц Йозеф Галль; он утверждал, что все психические свойства локализуются в различных участках мозга, и считал что различия в развитии мозговых извилин показывают выпуклости («шишки») и впадины на соответствующем участке черепа. Френология была крайне популярна в первой половине XIX века, однако развитие нейрофизиологии показало несостоятельность этой теории, постепенно общество потеряло интерес к френологии. Рельеф поверхности мозга не определяет психические свойства человека, а форма черепа не повторяет формы мозга.
Phrenology, in the modern sense, is a pseudoscience that claims to know the relationship between the human psyche and the structure of the surface of his skull. The creator of phrenology is the Austrian physician and anatomist Franz Josef Gall; he argued that all mental properties are localized in different parts of the brain, and believed that differences in the development of cerebral convolutions show bulges ("bumps") and depressions on the corresponding part of the skull. Phrenology was extremely popular in the first half of the 19th century, but the development of neurophysiology showed the inconsistency of this theory, and society gradually lost interest in phrenology. The relief of the surface of the brain does not determine the mental properties of a person, and the shape of the skull does not repeat the shape of the brain.



Lithograph depicting Dr.Franz Joseph Gall examining head of a young girl - #img #src

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I would not want to have such a skull at home, but this kapala looks very interesting.

They even thought they were able to tell if you are intelligent or stupid, a good person or a gangster, just by the shape of your head ... weird 🤪

Very strange but interesting find, @qwerrie 😀

Cheers and !BEER


That's much too much - !ENGAGE 30 would be enough ... and maybe a little !BEER 🍻😉

oh? did anyone here say !BEER? I am up to that :=)

I said !BEER 🍻😉 LOL

uh... please dont think I will be scared of that - but, to face the truth straight - I could not win this !BEER disput with you. but, luckily, it is not a disput at all, right?

Of course, it's no dispute, because you are right, I would win the !BEER battle 😉 cheers my friend 🍻

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were able to tell if you are intelligent or stupid, a good person or a gangster, just by the shape of your head ... weird

ofc they were able to tell... and others could tell this just after looking into your eyes... or shaking hands... I can say same about Mr Putin without looking at his eyes, skull or shaking hands at all. Needless to say their opinion not necessarily was correct, haha. (But mine opinion about Putin is ok, its correct). haha.

Johan, you can check my comment above to Joan. Theres much more nast y stuff at that store. Someday I will make a post about it (maybe). I postpone writing it for ages already, hehe.

Lets spill some !BEER now? thanks for visiting and commenting back. I appreciate that. Mmm.... I really need to do something about the #alphabetland affair... didnt think about my next post at all yet :)))

Oh, I also have often thought I could tell such about people just by looking at them, but man, sometimes I was so very wrong ... stupid looking people turned nice and intelligent and vice versa 😉

Maybe that's why I don't want to show my face here 🤣 lol

About Putin you might be right though 😁

Cheers and !BEER

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The #AlphabetHunt will soon be over. So give your best and don't miss the last remaining letters my friend 😊

Cheers and !BEER

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Oh my goodness, interesting but not something I would want to take home with me.

Worst still imagine someone examining your head like that, how embarrassing and possibly painful, hope they find something in there....

Thanks for your fun vintage day outing @qwerrie

@joanstewart, thank you, glad you enjoyed the story!

"not something I would want to take home with me." < == haha, you cant imagine what else that store happened to have. this frenology skull props is... maybe the most innocent thing one can see there. well, not the most, er... lets say, there are a lot of things Much Worse that I dont even want to examine at a closer distance, even being separated with a glass wall, not talking about taking them home. Brrrrr!! Very very nasty stuff... Maybe it is the reason I postpone for ages writing the story about this store, ehhehe ;=)

!ENGAGE 20 - and the !BEER

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imagine someone examining your head like that

oh, by the way -- their FB page has a quote under one of the photos, that I find simply amazing... and a very intresting reply to your opinion; he said "I swear I am donating my body to you when I die". Isnt it sweet, haha?

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OMG! Yes, 101% vintage I would call it 😁

I would never buy one, but this is very unique and thrilling!

at least its worth reading and educating, right?
I would not take one to place and keep at home even for free, haha! and even if I was payed money for that.

Absolutely, it is 😊

😁 I wonder the price tag if someone needs to buy one.

i think a) price varies in a wide corridor depending on qualities and exclusivity of a certain copy (they love to name it 'a story', 'a history of a thing' etc)
and b) as its quite an exclusive stuff you will not be able to get at any other store I am more than sure the price is enough high! very hight... hundreds of pounds. 300, 500, 900 or more. but thats only my assumption!

Yes, I bet in our world, we have very few antique stores like this or maybe none.

Goodness me! 😀

ps. do you have a FB account?
i provided a link to this store FB page, and if you really curious you may message that guy directly and ask about the price labels, this surely will not oblige you to anything, but will feed your curiocity xD
have a little !BEER to boost your courage, my friend.

Yea, I definitely need that beer to do that haha!

Thank you, my friend, I am really curious about this and I can't wait for my non-hivers friend reactions on this, the coming weekend 😁

I can't wait for my non-hivers friend reactions on this, the coming weekend

mmm?.. I didnt understand this part, er... sorry... do you mean, you told your other friends about this in your different blog?.. well, thats ok.

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WOW! This is a nice shop! I love it!
Thank you very much for your very very interesting posts!
It was a pleasure!

cool, I am happy. there was not too much folks who appreciated this Morbid bizarre subject! a little bottle of !BEER for you, -- have a nice weekend!

I love that! I would love to have a Tödlein/Memento Mori, do you know that?
But they are sooo expensive ...
!BEER for you!

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'Tödlein/Memento Mori' ? no I dont think I know the thing you talk about. Memento Mori - remember about the death, that is I know ofc!.. Google showed me a picture. but I still not sure. is it sort of a handmade toy / doll?

...and a !BEER back. !ENGAGE 20

Yes, it is handmade, mostly made of wood or bone. It is available as a travel -Tödlein in a small coffin.
I went to an exhibition once, that was interesting and since then I would like to have one ...

Sorry, the beer didn't work ... I didn't stake enough ......

so it is a toy, or a decoration - woman's accessory?
the prices are high, indeed. hundreds of euros - thats beyond reason!

It is nothing of that.
As a meditation object, it should call the observer's own transience to consciousness.

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хренология, однако))