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RE: Some Healthy Habits to kick start your new year

in Reflectionslast year

Very interesting how white bread is not even considered as bread at all, it makes me want to avoid white bread even more and stick to spelt breads and gluten free breads.

The cold showers wont work for everyone, and that's fine, but they definitely work for me, now don't get me wrong every now and then I have a warm shower, like yesterday after coaching my son's soccer team in the pouring rain and it was lovely!

You take some wonderful pictures. That is a good reason to get out into nature, capturing those moments.

Thanks a mil, I always like to capture moments and have loads of the boys and us too, but don't like sharing those on a public forum as the boys should get to make that decision themselves if they want to be online, so usually try to block out there faces etc.

That's a really good quote from Franz of Assisi, I must try to remember it.