Should we be worried?

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

Hello everyone,


I know I have talked about this before, and I know I, we talk about being in this crypto thing for the long haul. But should we be worried about the price of Hive at the moment?

$0.139758 USD (-8.17%)
0.00001190 BTC (-10.50%)

I find it worrysome. I don't know about you. Looked closer at the graphic and it seems to be recovering a bit since a low in the last 24 hours.

It will not affect me personally in the short term. I will continue to created, post, comment, etc. But man o man, would I not love to see Hive get back to at least the 25 cent mark and stable up.

On a different note, I will come out with a new set of goals soon, something I can track, something you can follow.


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Have a great day all.



Sometimes I don't think I deserve a income so that doesn't matter to me.

And why is that?

Okay that's a question then I don't know what it's from

Lol. Hate when that happens 😂

Having been at this for almost 3 years now I do not worry about the price in the short term. What you need to look at is what is being built such as new games and other apps. Splinter lands, leo, ctp itself, sports, and different investment opps, as well. All are growing and that is solid for the long term grow. Now is the time to just keep growing and building your stake in hive and the good coins on hive engine. just my 2 cents worth

Thanks. Fantastic. Just the kinda, kick in the ass, reply I needed. Thank you 😊

your welcome anytime Bradley, just keep at it you are doing great