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RE: Tell us about yourself - [Mission]

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

Can you share with us the working title of your thesis? It sound interesting. Is the focus mainly on the acquisition of English as the second language? Or just any language. Because English is an illogical pain. I know this as I have also taught English as a second language.


Of course, it's about teaching Pragmatics in EFL context. Currently I'm conducting an experimental study over it ^^
Nice to see that there are a lot of teachers/instructors in Hive :)

I see Pragmatics in linguistics takes on a different meaning though!

Indeed 😌 It is a quite interesting area that I believe worth studying on

Meaning relies on the manner, place and time of an utterance.

That explains why when I teach the same poem with different groups of people, we have varying conversations.

Interesting. I was talking about the early days of pragmatism with my class just the other day. We can blame it for the different spellings between America and England - 'armor' as opposed to 'armour', or 'realize' instead of 'realise' - they were meant to be more 'practical' spellings.