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RE: STEEMFest Food on the River Cruise was Awesome!

in #esteem5 years ago

Great sharing! I love chocolate and baked goodies. And, although I am not obese, I am overweight. I’ve been trying to change and do better. I made collard wraps recently. They’re OK, but still craved a goodie afterwards. Going to try making chickpea blondes with almond flour today.

Any pointers on dealing with goodie cravings would be most appreciated! TIA!

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My weight loss and health plan is not about fighting individual cravings @cindyhartz, it is about getting an adequate diet, and then the cravings disappear for the most part. I did not believe this until it happened for me. Since then, I have watched it happen for others too.

My mantra for food is:

  • eat less crap
  • eat more nutrition.

"Crap" is processed food, colors, flavors, pesticides, chemical additives, gmos and any other poison. Work hard to get this out of your diet as it all hurts your ability to lose weight. Generally speaking, removing processed and fast food, and cooking for yourself with clean ingredients will do this.

As for nutrition, most people I work with are getting almost no nutrition when they start with me.

essential nutrients purple fitinfun.jpg

Get an online nutrition tracker and watch to see how much of the 31 essential nutrients you are getting in your food. Do not worry about calories, only nutrition.

Once you see the levels your current diet provides, pick a couple of nutrients you are weak in, and try to get 100-120% of the RDA for a week or two. Vitamin C and Fiber are two fairly easy places to start. Once you have those going good, add another nutrient, and get that into the good range.

With exercise, mix it up and do not do the same thing all the time. Stretch religiously before and after workouts, and you will see great results.

Feel free to get back to me with questions on any of this, and especially when you find out your nutrient levels. This is usually an eye opening moment.

As to your specific "Craves," I still eat chocolate (a lot). But it is high quality and has antioxidants. I would never eat a standard candy bar now. Since I have a clean diet, I can only taste chemicals and salt in mainstream US candy of any type and so I am not tempted.

For baked goods, again, "clean" is good. I went through a bread baking phase for a few years after I lost my weight and used all organic grains, etc. But now I find low carb works better for me and rarely eat grains at all. Except for a lot of rice since I am in SE Asia and it is every where.

Good luck and never give up!

Wow! What a wonderfully helpful response! Thank YOU! 😘

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