
Haha, thats me on a daily basis especially when I am Snowed in, lol! Except usually I am in my easy chair blogging on Appics on my Chromebook and watching T,V, like right now, Haha!

I actually need to start sitting more on my laptop and get work done from there.

Takes a lot of effort to raise your right arm like that.

Ohhh believe me. It was a struggle to set up for the photo lol

Cool! In my case, working on a hammock in my room today💻 I want to work at my home more often😉

It is so nice to get stuff done from work. I love it.

You have to go out and look for the beauty of the natural surroundings

Sometimes it feels really good to just stay home and relax!

Yeah friend

You look very confortable and that is important.🙌

Indeed. A lazy day sometimes is needed

HP? What program do you usually use to edit your vids?

I usually do it all on my phone 🙈🙈🙈🙈

wow, serious! but you got so many gimmicks and stuffs going on all the time on your vids so GOOD JOB SERG! Mo

eheheh Yeah. I use a program for Android called Kinemaster

Nice laptop👌

It is kind of old and needs retirement.

Thats a great idea! I have no computer so its my cell phone and the Chromebook which I actually bought for around 900.00 with Steem I cashed out 2 years ago!! I actually used to be a Dolphin with over 11,000 Steemand Powered it all down when steem went up to 5.00 then over 7.00 a steem, it was awesome!!

Good times. I am not doing cents in here lol but it is fine. I am still enjoying the ride ehehe