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RE: After 2017 Spirituality Is My Food - Poetic Reflection Of Spiritual Books - Favorite Authors Contest

in #yourtop34 years ago

Hey man, just stopping by to read your post now - some great looking books there and sounds like you really are in to your spirituality, meditation and mental well-being, which is probably what a lot more of us need to do, myself included!


In my opinion many times people follow the Myth Of Spirituality and talks just beautiful aspects, but journey of Spirituality sometimes becomes so tough that in daylight we can see darkness. But one thing is for sure, it will let you know how you should feel about yourself and what is the most important aspect in life, and the truth is, we are the Truth (Aspect Of Source) and our Actions (Karma) is the evidence. I was Pro Sportsman and with that was working with reputed MNC but end of 2017 and that one day in the month of October i woke up from a dream and i felt that my world became upside down and from that point of time i became a Poet, before that never written a poetry in my life. I cannot define this Journey because we are stuck in both Material and Spiritual battle. In material world every human being faces judgement from fellow beings, but when we are living the State Of Spirituality we understand the importance of letting go because it make us lite and opens so much space which can be filled by more light. But before light we face darkness, in a way i want to put this like this, Spirituality is different from "Spiritual Reality". Stay blessed.

That is an impressive switch from professional sportsman to poet! I feel like I am on a similar journey and have felt all you described as well, the battle between material and spiritual world but I'm glad to say that the latter is winning the battle.

Keep up the great spiritual work man!

Thank you so much for your kind response and hope that your Spiritual Path will going to empower you in fullest ways. 🙂