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RE: IAAC for 21st October 2021 - Most exciting time to be in crypto

in We Are Alive Tribe2 months ago

Bradley opens the episode by expressing his excitement about the current state of the cryptocurrency market. He highlights Bitcoin hitting all-time highs and mentions a Twitter post predicting a $100,000 Bitcoin in the near future. Bradley also discusses the performance of various tokens on the Hive platform, such as Cub, Chia, Alive, Awesome, CTP Token, Leo, Index, and BBH. He talks about his plans to build the value of BBH and mentions creating a community channel with its own token in the future.

Additionally, Bradley touches on Facebook rebranding to enter the metaverse, hinting that Taskmaster4450 might cover it in detail. He concludes by briefly mentioning the Pi platform and encourages listeners to check it out through a link in his blog post.

In summary, Bradley's episode revolves around the excitement in the cryptocurrency market, particularly focusing on Bitcoin's performance, various token values on the Hive platform, his plans for BBH, Facebook's venture into the metaverse, and a nod to the Pi platform. Bradley's optimism and active engagement with different projects and tokens in the crypto space are evident throughout the episode.

Notice: This is an AI-generated summary based on a transcript of the video. The summarization of the videos in this channel was requested and/or approved by the channel owner.