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RE: STEEM is still not Steemit, even if Tron buys Steemit.

in #tron4 years ago

"...this is a decentralized community-run blockchain."

With 1/3 of the voting rights concentrated in Tron's hands atm. That effectively limits the decentralization.

I appreciate the heart and soul you've put into this platform and I know you're all in. I want every bit as much as do you to see it become the mechanism of transcendence from centralized platforms to the freedom and prosperity for all decentralization and Steem heralds.

I have concerns, as we all do, that vision is not universally shared, and unknown unknowns presently leer at us from the shadows. I know that with folks like yourself standing with me, regardless of the terror the unknowns might engender, our mutual commitment to a free and prosperous future can enable us to smile right back at it, and keep moving forward towards a better world.

If our home free of censorship and the governance of overlords is threatened by the dominance of one malevolent stakeholder that threatens to destroy it, threatens to fork it up, we can fork that malignant stake away, and cure the cancer that thinks it can eat us all for lunch.

Censorship resistance, decentralized governance, and maintaining the freedom from KYC/AML anonymity ensures are my lines in the sand. I hope enough of us have the self respect and confidence in our competence to draw that line and paint it red.
