Photography of some beautiful nature scenes in the hilly region

in #travelfeed4 years ago

Hello Steemit Friends, how are you all, I hope everyone is well.and good morning all.!

The Creator has made us very beautiful in this world and nature has made it attractive and we take all kinds of benefits from nature and each of us has the responsibility to protect this beautiful nature and the beauty of nature.



We have many people in this world who love to travel in the mountains and love to see the nature in the mountainous areas.So people rush to the mountains to see the beautiful nature.Moreover, the beautiful nature of the mountainous region liberates every human being in a beautiful and beautiful environment.!



Now, winter is the most dry in the mountainous water bodies because there are some waterfalls that fall short of the waterfall and these waterfalls are dry at this time and when it is raining, the reservoirs are full.Due to the drying of the aquifer, these stones are now very well seen,And such a stone can be seen in many places in the hilly areas when traveling to the hilly region.!



There are some hills in the mountainous regions that have been raised high over the ages, but there are many hills in which those hills are naturally becoming extinct day by day.And those mountains which are naturally disappearing day by day are mostly limestone hills.!



And in the limestone mountains, different types of trees naturally grow,Because the limestone hills are very different from all the other mountains and the soil on these hills is very soft.However, the limestone hills are much lower than the rocky hills, but the limestone hills are much taller.!



There are different types of waterfalls in the hilly areas, but in the hilly areas there are numerous waterfalls that all waterfalls are equal to the soil and these waterfalls are coming naturally after the ages.However, there is always less water left over from these types of waterfalls,And in this type of waterfall there are plenty of green shoals that are naturally born on the rocks.!


And the water in this waterfall goes far in the hills, and the mountainous regions keep the trees green and fresh all the time.!

I love the scenery and beautiful waterfalls of the hilly region so I can take a tour of the mountainous areas when I have time and some beautiful views of the waterfalls and hilly regions.!

So to this day, tomorrow I will bring you new photography and another new post. If you like my photography and my posts then of course you will vote for me.!
