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RE: Ecency Updates and Why Should You Use It

in #stem3 years ago

Favorite authors. I honestly haven't used the desktop version in forever, so you could have added it and I wouldn't know. I just know PeakD has it, so I use that. I still feel Ecency has some great products between the desktop version and the mobile version.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I see, for desktop, we have desktop app which you can download ( and use as app and we have fully functional website as well:
I just checked, Favorite authors feed, isn't it same as following people and seeing their posts on your feed?

No, it isn't the same. Following feed shows all of the people you follow which could be hundreds or thousands. Favorites allows you to scaled it down to the 10 or 20 (it can be any number actually) authors who you know you want to focus on for curation daily. People who consistently put out good content that you don't want to miss. It really helps me sift through all of the stuff on my following feed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I see, makes sense. But you could follow 10-20 people that you actually care and want to curate, then join some Communities to follow similar topics.

Following people is mostly misused feature, people follow dozen people that they are not fully following for their content. Shows how we should work towards making it better or educate best use of feature.

For example: shows all post from followings and would show all posts from communities you join.

Those are some good points. I think a lot of people feel like it doesn't give a good impression if you are only following a handful of people. No matter how much the realize in the back of their mind that following thousands of people just isn't feasible.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not sure about impression part or if it is anyone's business to say who you should follow or how many people. But thanks for discussing why you like to use Favorites/Custom feeds. 🙏
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