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RE: # Investing In Chaos Legion Presale Phase 2 - Splinter Stats Season 64 Report Card

in #splinterstats2 years ago

Take a look at the prices of Untamed Booster Packs. Those are above $40 which is a 20X gain to say the least. There is nothing to stop Chaos Legion from having similar kind of gains once the Packs are sold out.

Hopefully something good will happen. The value of my total Splinterlands card collection fell from more than $900 USD to less than $500 USD since the arrival of the Chaos Legion.

My total Splinterlands card collection is currently consist of 197 cards, and it is currently worth $495.80 USD.



When DEC prices fell, the minimum value the Cards could be burnt for went down. It makes sense for the prices to fall. But this is only a short term trend. Renting the Cards you don't use to earn passive income has helped me a lot to offset some of the losses.