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RE: Sunrays & Layers of Mountains

in #photography4 years ago

Bang, I did it again... I just resteemed your post!
Week 19 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory


Thank you very much for resteeming my post, dear @pixresteemer, I appreciate your support, as you know 🙂


A lot of comments to catch up so I'll keep it to the point: !DERANGED !BEER 😂

To give a !DERANGED and a !BEER is an easy and simple way for me to say thank you for being nice, and giving an additional !MARLIANS or !COFFEEA means I thank you even more 😉

You need to stake more BEER (6 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

Hey @pixresteemer, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day)

Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

Hey @pixresteemer, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

deranged You just received DERANGED @pixresteemer Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at