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RE: Sunrays & Layers of Mountains

in #photography β€’ 4 years ago

Good post also this evening...evening, right? πŸ˜…
A !BEER or a !COFFEEA before a !DERANGED !MARLIANS as a present 😁
!giphy smile

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In Austria it's evening - I don't know what daytime it's in Italy ;) lol

Thank you very much and have a nice evening, @davidesimoncini πŸ™‚

I might be a bit !DERANGED but not only I have a !BEER for you today, but also a !COFFEEA which I have bought at the !MARLIANS !shop πŸ˜‰

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

deranged You just received DERANGED @davidesimoncini Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

coffeea Lucky you @davidesimoncini here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness