Hive is on CoinMarketCap!

in #leofinance4 years ago

Another game changer

For the first today I noticed that Hive and Hive Backed Dollar are listed on Coinmarketcap.
It is still not complete, as the supply of Hive is not yet listed. But as soon as that is, this will be a gamechanger. It will bring Hive in the Top 50 list, and that gives a lot more attention and therefor new users. This is brilliant news, and will take Hive even higher! The price and the user base could skyrocket from now on, and this only after 7 days, incredible. I really don't know how the people behind this, managed to pull this off, but they did a hell of a job!


Congratz, and Hive on!




That’s good news. We now have to work on the rank

As soon as they adjust the supply we’re in the top 50!

Let’s hope for that

I have been looking to see when it will happen.
#hive will get more bees going forward.

This is indeed a great news.