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RE: Fostering Authentic Camaraderie and Healthy Competition

in Home Edders3 years ago

There are plenty of resources to find friendship and comradery these days. I can't imagine it being too hard if all resources are explored. Of course it's a lot more fun to meet in person than online... but online is better than nothing. It would be cool to have an app for homeschooled and unschooled kids to make study friends. Kind of like a Tandem does for language learners. It wouldn't have to be limited to homeschooled kids. When I was young I couldn't find friends in my school because I was into different stuff from my classmates (namely punk rock and RPG games). I found my friends in towns nearby, and a lot of them I met in person (at local shows or club sports teams) and got closer with online (AOL 3.0 baby!).

I hope there comes a day when your home-edders group has so many families on it that meetups in local areas becomes easy. I think I need another 2-3 years before we plant our little home-edders.


I am glad you found your place with people you felt close to. That is so important.

I like your idea about an app that connects homeschooling families. It would be really awesome if we had local meetups someday.