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RE: Question: "What's wrong?" / Answer: "I don't know."

in Home Edders3 years ago

Yay glad you were able to get poor Pumpkin to sort out and articulate what they were feeling, stuff that upsets them more than their vocabulary/understanding knows how to deal with can be really challenging DX

JJ is similar to you, sometimes he gets stuck on the "what's bothering you/what's wrong" and just wants to pull the problem/s out so he can fix it and then everyone gets frustrated because they can't tell him and he can't fix it. He's been getting better.

I've actually been doing surprisingly better than him (surprisingly because my social skills suck) but definitely wish I'd had some of your ideas for dealing with the harder things that come up. Kind of been learning in a hurry to try to keep on top of this teenage thing x_x


Thanks for highlighting this idea. I usually think of this in regards to younger children, but I see your point in children of all ages.

stuff that upsets them more than their vocabulary/understanding knows how to deal with can be really challenging

Pumpkin does not like to disappoint people. I think that sometimes she is afraid to share what she is feeling because she is afraid that my wife and I will be disappointed in her. Of course, that is not the case, but it is something to keep in mind as we communicate with our kiddos.

I am working on not trying to fix everything, but rather listen and be present in the moment. That is something I need to keep working on.

Kind of been learning in a hurry to try to keep on top of this teenage thing

Parenting is like on the job training. There is no manual that explains every possible scenario. There are just a bunch of general guidelines that we need to figure out how to apply to each unique situation while keeping our eyes open for possible adjustments.

Thanks for the comment and engagement!

You're always going to focus on whatever stage you're in at the moment, nothing wrong with that :D I remember thinking a lot of baby and toddler and little kid stages when I was there, now it's all big kid and teenagers and it feels like second toddlerhood sometimes x_x

Poor little Pumpkin :O Seeing as you and your wife seem to be pretty on top of things I'm sure you'll be able to help her channel that trait for good without letting it consume her :D

It really is isn't it!

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