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RE: Fostering Authentic Camaraderie and Healthy Competition

in Home Edders3 years ago

I always enjoy reading your thoughts on these things. I agree that everyone is different, so we've really had no particular philosophy as a family. My daughters are so different in character that they each have their own ways. My eldest is more like you in that competition with others used to drive her. This could, at times, be detrimental to her, though. I'm more for competing with myself and seeing if I can improve on my previous. My youngest is probably more like me, that way, although she mostly just wants to enjoy what she's doing.

My girls used to do extracurricular activities like dance and gymnastics, which is mainly where they had the opportunity to develop camaraderie. Their closest friends were some other homeschoolers who used to live nearby, though. They moved interstate, but still keep in touch.


I think the best thing to do is beyond competing with ourselves is to always look for the best of what we are every day, in terms of our capabilities and potential. It is very good that you know well the way in which your daughters motivate themselves to achieve their goals, this helps you a lot when it comes to encourage them in a situation that is considered a challenge. Congratulations my friend, you have also well established your self-concept.

This could, at times, be detrimental to her, though.

Same for me. I have not always handled competition in the best way. We each have to embrace our journey of we grow and mature - in regards to competition as well.

Their closest friends were some other homeschoolers who used to live nearby, though. They moved interstate, but still keep in touch.

We have experienced this as well. We have watched three of the dearest families move away over the last 3 to 4 years.