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RE: Homeschooling Versus Schooling At Home: More Than Just A Change of Location

in Home Edders • 4 years ago

Just love this insight into how you homeschool. I'm planning a challenge on this very topic after your last post, but you've beaten me to it with this! 😆 If you don't mind, I'll link in the challenge post.

I was a little worried my comment might not come across very well and apologise that it did initially. I nearly commented with the HomeEdders account, but I want to keep it very much neutral and my homeschooling experience is a personal to me as yours is to you.

Labels can be so problematic, yet useful too. I feel like "homeschooling" is the label which incorporates all education at home, then we use labels like "unschooling", "school at home" or "eclectic homeschooling" to try and describe different approaches. Yet every family still has and individual approach. Your separation of roles fascinated me, because I haven't come across it before and that's what made me curious to hear from everyone how they homeschool. We've had the question of "why homeschool?" before, but not how. Although having read this now, I feel like the why and how are very much connected.


I have really appreciate our engagement as of late. It means a lot to me. And feel free to link this post in the challenge if it is beneficial.

No worries about the comment. It really gave me an opportunity to reflect on our homeschooling philosophy and experience. That was a good thing! We all need to be challenged. It is important that we learn how to communicate with kindness. I think we are doing that.

I appreciate your comment about labels. It is important to understand that we can be using the same "words" (same labels), but be applying a very different meaning to that word.

Again, thanks for the engagement!


I've been appreciating your contributions to the community and the conversation you're sparking. I hope more come to join in.

A bit of a plug here, but it just ooccurred to me that you have used some stock images in your post and I've been working on a community so that Hivers can share stock images with other Hivers. I think/hope you might like these photos from @crosheille on the theme of education. It would be so great if we saw more of our community's images in use.

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.