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RE: Do you need a "CLASS PET"?

in Home Edders3 years ago (edited)

Shame I saw this late. The registration is now closed. It would have been nice to give it a try...

ANyway, it was so fun reading your story. I grew up in the countryside and we had a few animals (a few pigs and chickens) but I was always scared to get near them. I'm just too scared to get attacked. LOL. I also detest the sound of clucking chickens especially in the midst of a hot day. Clucking and panicking chickens just mean one thing to me -- they are being attacked by a monitor lizard or a phyton that has emerged from the creek behind our house.

My grandpa had a few cows too and I watched him get grass for them and feed them. And yeah, they can really run!

As for my kids, the closest they get for a pet are those stray kittens that we adopt and feed. They've been hinting for a dog but we just cannot now since we don't have enough space in our rented apartment.


Arlin, I am sorry that I did not pass the information along sooner. I will be sure to share about our experience. Hopefully, it will give other families the chance to enjoy it as well.

I do not hear chickens now that my family is back in the United States. It was a very common experience when we lived in Indonesia.

Some of my kiddos have mentioned wanting a dog. Just like you, we are not in the right place to make that happen.

Thanks for stopping by! See you around!