in AFRI-TUNESlast year

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Hello Hivians,
Welcome to another week of #afritunesweek63.


This week I will be singing a song titled Aladewura Solomon Lange.

Solomon Lange is one of Nigeria's gospel singers from the Northern part of Nigeria.

This song Aladewura is a worship song that always gets the better part of me.
I love worshipping my God because that's the only thing I can do to tell Him thank you for everything He has done for me.

Aladewura means the one with a golden crown.

Only God deserves to be worshiped.
When we worship God He makes everything work for us.

At times when you have prayed and fasted for so long and it seems the situation keeps getting worst instead of getting better.
The reasons for prayer being delayed or not getting an answer on time might be a result of praying the wrong prayer at the right time sometimes the answer to one prayer will not come directly it will clear off some obstacles on the way and by the period of clearing off the difficulty one become nervous and worried.
But there is no time that worship is late because God Himself is in it.

His word says God inhabits the praises of his people that is He lives in the praise.

Worship receives an instant answer.
That is why I will never cease worshiping my God because I don't want stones to replace me
He said if we refused to praise Him he will raise stones to start praising Him.

Thanks for listening.


Holy Holy Lord God Almighty
You are worthy of all our praise
All the nations bow before your Majesty

Faithful faithful that is your name
King of Glory that's who you are
We bow before your Majesty

Majesty I love to worship you
Aladewura I love to give you praise
Majesty I love to worship you
Aladewura I love to give you praise

You are exalted forever and ever

Blessed be your name, your Kingdom will never end
Heaven and earth bow before you, sons of men we adore you
Loving Father
blessed be your name

Majesty I love to worship you
Aladewura I love to give you praise

Majesty I love to worship you
Aladewura I love to give you praise

Morning and evening
sunrise to sunset
Creation declares your praise
Nation to nation
From age to age
We all will praise your name
To you be all the glory
Forever your Kingdom will reign (Forever your Kingdom will reign)
We bow our knees and we worship
To you be all of our praise

Majesty I love to worship you
Aladewura I love to give you praise
Majesty I love to worship you
Aladewura I love to give you praise

Majesty I love to worship you
Alade ewura I love to give you praise
Majesty I love to worship you
Aladewura I love to give you praise



Hola Hivianos,
Bienvenidos a otra semana de #afritunesweek63.


Esta semana cantaré una canción titulada Aladewura Solomon Lange.

Solomon Lange es uno de los cantantes de gospel del norte de Nigeria.

Esta canción Aladewura es una canción de adoración que siempre saca lo mejor de mí.
Me encanta adorar a mi Dios porque es lo único que puedo hacer para darle las gracias por todo lo que ha hecho por mí.

Aladewura significa el que tiene una corona de oro.

Sólo Dios merece ser adorado.
Cuando adoramos a Dios Él hace que todo funcione para nosotros.

A veces, cuando has orado y ayunado durante tanto tiempo y parece que la situación sigue empeorando en lugar de mejorar.
Las razones por las que la oración se retrasa o por las que no se obtiene una respuesta a tiempo pueden ser el resultado de haber rezado la oración equivocada en el momento adecuado. A veces la respuesta a una oración no llega directamente, sino que despeja algunos obstáculos en el camino y durante el periodo de despeje de la dificultad uno se pone nervioso y preocupado.
Pero no hay ningún momento en que la adoración llegue tarde porque Dios mismo está en ella.

Su palabra dice que Dios habita en las alabanzas de su pueblo, es decir, vive en la alabanza.

La adoración recibe una respuesta instantánea.
Por eso nunca dejaré de adorar a mi Dios porque no quiero que las piedras me sustituyan
El dijo que si nos negamos a alabarlo el levantara piedras para que empiecen a alabarlo.

Gracias por escuchar.


Santo Santo Señor Dios Todopoderoso
Tú eres digno de toda nuestra alabanza
Todas las naciones se inclinan ante tu Majestad

Fiel fiel ese es tu nombre
Rey de Gloria ese eres tú
Nos inclinamos ante tu Majestad

Majestad me encanta adorarte
Aladewura me encanta alabarte
Majestad me encanta adorarte
Aladewura me encanta alabarte

Exaltado eres por los siglos de los siglos

Bendito sea tu nombre, tu Reino no tendrá fin
Cielo y tierra se inclinan ante ti, hijos de los hombres te adoramos
Padre amoroso
bendito sea tu nombre

Majestad me encanta adorarte
Aladewura me encanta alabarte

Majestad, me encanta adorarte
Aladewura me encanta alabarte

Mañana y tarde
desde el amanecer hasta el ocaso
La creación declara tu alabanza
De nación a nación
De edad en edad
Todos alabaremos tu nombre
A ti toda la gloria
Por siempre reinará tu Reino (Por siempre reinará tu Reino)
Doblamos nuestras rodillas y adoramos
A ti sea toda nuestra alabanza

Majestad me encanta adorarte
Aladewura amo darte alabanza
Majestad, me encanta adorarte
Aladewura me encanta alabarte

Majestad, me encanta adorarte
Alade ewura amo darte alabanza
Majestad, me encanta adorarte
Aladewura me encanta alabarte



▶️ 3Speak

  • For subsequent Afri-tunes posts, please cut down the lyrics you write in the post to 1 verse and chorus. Put more of your inspiration behind the choice of song, like you've perfectly done.

  • Cross-check your Spanish translation, and delete the numbers/code above the Afri-tunes Logo.


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God is indeed faithful 💯
Nice presentation dear

Thank you friend

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Hello @julti1985
You voice is bold and striking

And this is the first time I'm hearing a to run a song from Solomon Lange, it's always Hausa

Thanks for sharing this
God is indeed worthy of all our praise

Thanks friend.
He has some songs with English

Hello ma'am this is another best of you @julti1985

You're always on point and fing your very best each week. This is an amazing entry as well.

Keep it up and going the more for God gat ya back


Thanks for your encouraging words @wizj

Wow you have a powerful voice ma'am, so much singing strength 😍 I love it.

The song lyrics is powerful too, thanks for sharing the cover with us 🙂

Thank you, Am glad you came around @merit.ahama

You shared a lovely worship song.
I must commend your efforts in making good cover of African music every week, well done ma'am.

Thank you @jessicaossom

Wow...this is a powerful worship song and you have a golden voice ma. I do not know this particular song but with the help of the lyrics, I was able to sing along with you. Most times,worship brings down the presence of God and we receive our answers to our prayers.
Nice job here my fellow #dreemer, keep the ball are doing well 👍
I came in through #dreemport

I love to worship God because that's the only way I can say thank you for giving me free life.

Thanks for your comment @nkemakonam89

This is a very beautiful presentation. Your voice is so melodious. Well-done.

Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your comments @amiegeoffrey.

It's a beautiful song.
Very nice presentation!

Thank you I appreciate your comment @universoperdido

Oh nice.

I like your choice of song, it was a nice pick. Your voice was quite outstanding and you sang with so much passion.



Thanks for stopping by @wongi

youre most welcome.

This is a soul lifting presentation.

Thank you

Thanks for your comment.

I truly enjoyed your voice presentation on this particular song. It is one of my favorite music on BoomPlay and every morning I normally play them whilst doing chores at home. I came in from Dreemport and I hope to see your post often in Dreemport. Lots of love for you!

Am glad you love the song.
Thanks for coming around @cescajove

Worship is so powerful and oftentimes brings tears to my eyes. You sing with a lot of passion. I love that! If I can add one piece of advice that echoes that of the Afri-Tunes community account... only post a single verse from a song's lyrics in blog posts and give credit to the songwriters. Otherwise, you are in danger of copyright infringement and communities will need to mute your posts so as not to show support for the practice. You can always provide a URL link to the full lyrics so that your readers can follow the link to the site where the lyrics can be found and read them in full there. 🤗

I dropped in from Dreemport this evening. #dreemer for life


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Thanks @samsmith1971. I appreciate your comment.


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