My Hashkings Strategy


Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. If you decide to make any purchases or follow my strategy you do so at your own risk. Please note like all of my strategies this is subject to change and likely will change as I adapt to the market.

Sorry it took so long for me to get this post out. Better late than never though, right? Also this strategy is for people that have a basic understanding of the game as i may use in-game terminology. I will try to exlain the basic as I go.

For me I have decided t start as a seed producer. I believe this is one of the most if not the most challenging role in the game (because there are multiple steps involved and activity needs to be "balanced")

To produce sees you need to stake MOTA. To acquire MOTA you need to either mint/produce it by burning BUDS (BUDS tokens are what you get when you harvest your plants) or purchasing it off the market. I am choosing to produce/ mint my own MOTA. I also am choosing to sell most of my seeds with MOTA as opposed to Hive. This way I am constantly producing MOTA from multiple sources (sale of seeds and burning buds).

I may adapt this. If people aren't buying seeds with MOTA I will sell them for Hive and buy MOTA off the market. This way there is still no out of pocket cost to acquire MOTA.

Selling seeds will be slow at first as I need to make sure I keep enough seeds for myself. I have 14 plots of land and subdivisions are coming. I am going to need a lot of seeds. I need to be planting/ producing BUDS daily to be an effective seed producer (that is not buying MOTA with out of pocket funds).

I also have been purchasing water towers. During the pre-launch I was able to sell my water tokens for enough funds to get about 20 water towers. I also have some funds set aside to spend on Hashkings, but for the most part from here on my account will be self-sufficient and I will not spend any more out of pocket (with a few exceptions of course). I will use the assets the game provides. Maybe I will sell water or some BUDS to get more funds if necessary.

A portion of the BUDS I produce (10-20%) will be used to roll joints and earn XP. I need XP to upgrade water towers. The rest will be burned for MOTA or sold to buy MOTA or other in game assets like upgrading water towers.

This is my basic strategy. I may also use earnings from posts occasionally if I need more funds for the game. I am hoping that won't be necessary.

I will be watching the market as well. If it's flooded with seeds I will focus on selling other things (BUDS / water). It all depends on supply/demand. I also plan to rent out my lower level land plots/ subdivisions once that is available.

That's basically how I am playing. Feel free to comment with your strategy. I love hearing what others are doing.



Nice shirt

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Thanks. It's a mock up but pretty cool

I am still quite confused how this whole game works🤣, Had some issues the last couple days so been just kinda checking the updates.

So subdivision is to allow more seed per plot?

Subdivisions are basically additional plots. Each subdivision will need it's own seed

I haven't even been able to open the game on my browser yet
But I won't give up! Cool to read your post because it already gave me an idea of ​​how complex it is!

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Still white screen? I thought they fixed that. that happened to me too at first.