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RE: Starbits & Cold Pizza #3 ft. Max Rewards By Controlling Your Ego - RS Tips, Tricks, Resources + Giveaways

in Rising Star Game3 years ago

Hey that's a hell of a Limo you had ! And +200 skill from the rare, I feel a bit jealous :D
So the ego thing start eating on your reward only if you have more fans than skill right ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Right!! how cool is that limo! I was super chuff, especially because my last back was a dud!
Yeah, fans need to be lower than skills, but you also earn ego with every gig you complete. So id you hover over your ego, you will see the total amount of points, and skills need to be more than that! It's a mission I tell you. I best start collecting some instruments.

How are you progressing?

Alright I thought that ego = number of fans but thanks to you I discovered I had to add ego from missions and... It's up through the sky !
I have to stop busking illegally searching for pizza slices haha.
Thanks again, now I know I'm screwed and I have to train my skills :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah man. Same same here!! These drunk fans are killing me. That's why I focussing on lessons for now!