Can you compete with the greatest, with the biggest...

in Fuckery7 months ago (edited)

...with that insecure toddler who is the most remarkable and one of a kind most prominent and exalted incurably stubborn and spoiled brainless and useless asshole within the entire "social network" and tokenconomic "censorship resistant" ecosystem of the Hive blockchain?

¿No? do you really believe you can't compete against him? Do you swear you wouldn't have the most minimal chance to snatch the crown and the trophy of which he boasts so much and he so proudly displays everywhere from his filthy and clumsy hands?

Oh boy! are you serious? Look, that I would have thought that over here there would have been at least no less than a handful of good contenders to dethrone him. Actually, with the time, I've already been thinking of a good dozen of strong candidates who could easily defeat him. But yeah, maybe you're right and this particular asshole is unbeatable in his damn art at the moment.

But anyway, allow me to provide you now here below with some of his brainless measurements, mental qualities and mongolic characteristics to see if you can find any vulnerability, weakness or frailty in his astounding physical attributes that will make you think that you could defeat him and occupy his privileged position and profitable job as the biggest asshole around that has had this censorship resistant "social network" on the blockchain.

But first, a message from our sponsor:

"A futuristic original & captivating crypto story on hive"

«The Hive's Menace»

Okay, are you ready now?

Fine! then study his ¡astounding attributes!

Oh! you didn't know him? Yeh yeh yeh! perhaps you didn't know him because he is a tiny coward rat that only lives in the shadows and only goes out to fuck around in the darkness when no one can see his sorry little ass to kick him until you end up barefoot. Yeah, in the darkness. From among the shadows. Just like his patron who also stays hidden there to pamper him and protect him so he doesn't starve to death.

But hey, in any case the only important thing we wanna know here is:

¿Can you compete with him to defeat him and dethrone him snatching away his crown and his trophy as the biggest asshole in the chain taking over his job and then being you the new biggest asshole within the ecosystem to be pampered, protected and feeded by the jerk of his boss? ¿Yes? Ok, then let us know about your nomination in the comments section.

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