I'm off to find that pot of gold, but what will I do with it?

in Photography Lovers5 months ago (edited)

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My home office is upstairs in my house and I have a skylight window beside where I work, so I get plenty of natural light, which is really important in my opinion. I've always sat beside a window since my first engineering job when I was 22. Hopefully I can keep that going and continue to land window seats in any potential roles which I fill going forward.

The natural light is great and I can also crack the window open and listen to my children playing in the garden which is a sound to behold. Another sound that comes through when the kids are at school is birdsong, which is also pleasing to the ears.

Other times, it's just nice to move my gaze from the glare of computer screens displaying switches, routers and DWDM nodes and instead look at planes flying over head and wonder where they might might be going? The clouds amassing and passing overhead can also be a spectacle and my mind might wander and wonder where those clouds gathered that moisture and where will it drop it's fruitful bounty of rain and begin it's cycle once more?

I was taking one of these little nano breaks recently and I was thrilled to see a beautiful rainbow fill the velux window overhead 🌈


Time to grab a shovel and get moving fast. There was a pot of gold to find or maybe two and they certainly appeared to be close by.


In fact if you look closely, there may well be four pots of gold, as this was a double rainbow. They were only a couple of fields away too.


It gets me to thinking if there really was a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow and you found it, what would you buy? Or in a more realistic yet almost as unlikely scenario of a massive lottery win, what would you buy or what would you do with the money?

For me, investments would be high on the list. I'd buy gold. I'd buy property. I'd buy some shares. I'd invest in art. I'd invest in wine. I'd invest in forestry.

Then for the fun stuff, I'd get 5 season tickets for both Arsenal and Newcastle, I'd throw a wild lavish party for friends and family and I'd do round the world trip with my family stopping in to see family and good friends in USA, Australia, Canada, Brazil, Spain, Bermuda and I'd bring my wife to Hawaii where she's always wanted to visit?

Where would you go?

What would you do?


The images used above were captured by me on my Samsung smartphone

Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out

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Wow a double rainbow huh, if I get to find a pot of gold one day, my oh my.. I would invest in real estate and agriculture and use the other parts for livelihood, never working a day anymore.

These photos are lovely been long I saw a rainbow...thanks for sharing

Living where you do, the first thing I'd invest in would be a good umbrella:)

Sounds like some really great plans! I'd do a lot of investment so I could passive live off the income.