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RE: Route 66 Mixtape for Three Tune Tuesday Week 66

in Music2 years ago

Wow! Extraordinary musical selection for this week @ablaze.

Route 66 in Nat King Cole's rendition is a universal classic, and no matter how many years go by, it always sounds good.

Eagles and Credence with a couple of 70's folk rock classics, one of those songs that refuse to die.

I didn't know the band Razorlight, but the song America is simply extraordinary.

Of course, AC-DC is and always will be AC-DC. It is an indispensable band in a good playlist.

And by the way, here is the link to my first participation in this weekly initiative, I hope you enjoy it:


Great comment man, thanks for stopping by and listening to what I had to serve up this weekend. I'm looking forward to having a listen to yours, which I usually do on the Tuesday and Wednesday of the following week (tomorrow and Wednesday)